Friday, September 26, 2008

Monster vs Hotspot

You, like me, probably hate buying cheap paint to save money. I found out that a paintball called HotSpot sells for $29.99 for 2000 at a lot of stores. It also sells on the internet. Now I bought some, hungry for a better ball and tested it out. The results shocked me, I was getting hits like nobodies busniess. The paint color was also rare and I could find who I shot with ease.

So think about it, just doing a little bit of surfing I bought a better paintball for the same amount of money as those cheap Monster balls! Now you may have seen me talk about how good Monster balls are for the new player. The only reason why I said that was because you can buy these paintballs almost everywhere.(Wal-mart, Paint supply stores, Even ACE!) The only places to buy Hotspot are the internet, and some big hunting stores. I still buy Monster ball though, as I can go to my local Wal-mart and buy some paint if there is a last minute paintball game!

If you want to listen to more advice, tips and guides, check out my other blogs!

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